Laura Mirada

Te acompaño en tus procesos de cambio para que conectes de nuevo con tu confianza, sabiduría y poder.

Para que vuelvas a ti.

Te acompaño en tus procesos de cambio para que conectes de nuevo con tu confianza, sabiduría y poder.

Para que vuelvas a ti.


Core Responsibilities of Boards of Directors

In the midst of constantly evolving risks and challenges, a board’s primary duty is to ensure that they provide oversight for the mission of the company. A board of directors is independent of the management of the company, and focuses more on the organization’s big issues as opposed to its daily operations. It formulates policies, …

Core Responsibilities of Boards of Directors Leer más »

How to Select the Best Board Management Software

The management of a Board of Directors is time-consuming and complicated particularly when you think about all the paperwork. It’s crucial to find a solution that streamlines the process, to ensure that everyone is more efficient. A good management system for boards will help you save money as well as ensure that the members are …

How to Select the Best Board Management Software Leer más »

How to Conduct an Online Board Meeting

Online board meetings are virtual ones that make use of a reliable video conference software. These meetings are conducted from home or other places that have internet access. Meetings like these offer many benefits, including increased nonprofit governance, more efficient meetings times and expanded participant diversification. When using online board meetings the first thing you …

How to Conduct an Online Board Meeting Leer más »

The Benefits of Flexible Data Management

Flexible data management is the process of creating and maintaining data structures that are able to respond to the needs of business. This allows companies to better adapt and respond to changes in the business environment, increase accessibility to information, and support decisions with the most accurate and current data. The necessity for flexibility is …

The Benefits of Flexible Data Management Leer más »

Operational and Strategic Management Tasks

A business will only function efficiently if its day-today operations are in line with the overall goals of the company. Operational management concentrates on how the company can get its work done, while strategic management is focused on long-term goals. Professionals from a variety of fields need to be aware of the differences between these …

Operational and Strategic Management Tasks Leer más »

Avoid These Mistakes When Designing Your Board Meeting Agenda

A well-planned agenda for board meetings is a crucial tool for efficient meetings. A well-designed agenda cannot guarantee a productive meeting or decision. Board leaders must be aware of the most common mistakes that hinder the effectiveness of meetings in order to get the desired results. A lot of topics on the schedule can lead …

Avoid These Mistakes When Designing Your Board Meeting Agenda Leer más »